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  1. Agar W. Е., A contribution to the theory of the living organism, Oxford University Press, 1943, p. 133.
  2. Sinnott E. W., Plant morphogenesis, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1960 p. 4. (Русский перевод: Синнот Э., Морфогенез растений. ИЛ, М., 1963, стр. 16).
  3. Рask G., An approach to cybernetics, Hutchinson, London, 1961, pp. 103-104.
  4. Waddington С. Н., From cell to embryo, Discovery, April, pp. 10-15, at p. 15.
  5. Ashby W. R., An introduction to cybernetics, Chapman and Hall, London, 1956, pp. 39-41, 3/11. (Русский перевод: Эшби У. Р., Введение в кибернетику, ИЛ, М., 1959, стр 62-66, 3/11.)
  6. Hamburger V., The concept of "development" in biology, in The Concept of Development (Ed. Harris Dale В.), University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1957, pp. 49-58, at p. 50.
  7. Bonner J. Т., Morphogenesis: an essay on development, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N. J., 1952.
  8. См. [2], стр. 508-509.
  9. Waddington С. Н., The strategy of the genes, George. Allen and Unwin Ltd., London, 1957, ch. 11, "The cybernetics of development, pp. 11-58.
  10. Mercer E. H., Cells and cell structure, Hutchinson Educational, London, 1961, p. 9.
  11. Sommerhoff G., The anatomy of vital organisation, circulated by the Artorga Research Group as Communication 36, December 1961, p. 2.
  12. Jacobson H., On models of reproduction, Amer. Scientist, 46 (3) (September 1958), 255-284.
  13. von Neumann J., The general and logical theory of automata in cerebral mechanisms in behaviour, the Hixon Symposium (ed. Jeffress L. A.), John Wiley, New York, 1951. (Русский перевод: фон Нейман Дж., Общая и логическая теория автоматов. Приложение к книге: Тьюринг А., Может ли машина мыслить? Физматгиз, М., 1960.)
  14. Burks A. W, Wang Hao, The logic of automata, J. Assoc. Computing Machinery, Part I, 4, 2, April 1957, Part II, 4, 3 (July 1957).
  15. Burks A. W., Computation, behaviour and structure in fixed and growing automata, Behavioural Science, 6 (1) (January 1961), 5-22.
  16. См. [10], стр. 10.
  17. Haeckel E., Generelle Morphologie der Organismen, G. Reimer, Berlin (2 vols), 1866.
  18. Roux M., Beitrage zur Entwicklungsmechanik des Embryo, Z. Biol., 21, 411-526.
  19. Raven Chr. P., An outline of developmental physiology, Pergamon Press, London, 1959. (Первое издание вышло в Нидерландах в 1948 г.)
  20. Waddington С. Н., Principles of embryology, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., London, 1956.
  21. См. [2], стр. 19-20.
  22. См. [2], стр. 20-21.
  23. White P. R., The cultivation of animal and plant cells, the Ronald Press, Co., New York, 1954, pp. 3-4.
  24. Weiss P., The problem of cellular differentiation, Proceedings of the First National Cancer Conference, 1949, p. 50-60, p. 51.
  25. Child С. М., Patterns and problems of development, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, 1941, p. 294.
  26. Spemann H., Embryonic development and induction, Hafner Publishing, Co., New York, 1962. (Первое издание в 1938 г. Даны ссылки на некоторые из наиболее важных работ Ру.)
  27. Waddington С. Н., New patterns in genetics and development, Columbia University Press, New York, 1962. (Русский перевод: Уоддингтон К. X., Морфогенез и генетика, "Мир", М., 1964.)
  28. Wolpert L., Gustafson Т., Studies on the cellular basis of morphogenesis of the sea urchin embryo: development of the skeletal pattern, Exp. Cell. Res., 25 (1961), 311-325. (Это одна из ряда статей Вольперта и Густафсона по морфогенезу морского ежа; другие ссылки см. в их статье в Exp. Cell. Res., 27 (1961), 67.)
  29. Spemann H., Ueber die Determination der ersten Organanlagen des Amphibien-embryo I-VI, Arch. f. Entxy. Mech., 43 (1918), 448-555.
  30. Watson J. D., Crick F. H. C., Molecular structure of nucleic acids and structure of deoxyribose nucleic acid, Nature, 171 (1953), 737-738.
  31. Watson J. D., Сriсk F. H. C., The structure of DNA, Cold Spring Harbour Symposium of Quantitative Biology, Vol. XVIII: Viruses, 1953, p. 123-131.
  32. Kendrew J. C., Pontif. Acad. Sci. Scripta varia, 109, 1961.
  33. Perutz M. F., Pontif. Acad. Sci. Scripta varia, 217, 1961.
  34. См. [2], стр. 501.
  35. См. [2], стр. 15.
  36. Gustafson Т., Wolpert L., The forces that shape the embryo, Discovery, November 1961.
  37. Driesсh H., The potency of the first two cleavage cells in the development of Echtnoderms, translated from Zeitschrift fur wissen-shaftliche Zoologie, 53 (1891), 160-178, by Gabriel Mordecal L., Fogel Seymour, pp. 210-214, Prentice-Hall, New York, 1955.
  38. См. [27], стр. 200-201.
  39. См. [27] стр. 311.
  40. См. [24], стр. 50.
  41. Gurwitsch A., Versuch einer synthetischen Biologie, Abhandl. Theoret. Biol., 17 (1923), 1-83.
  42. См. [25], стр. 277.
  43. Rоse S. M., A hierarchy of self-limiting reactions as the basis of cellular differentiation and growth control, Amer. Nat., 86 (1952), 337.
  44. Вraverman M. H., Regional specificity within the chick, brain, J. Morph., 108 (3) (May 1961), 263-286.
  45. Dean A. C. R., Hinshelwood Sir Cyril, Integration of cell reactions, Nature, 199, 4888, 7-11 (6 July 1963), p. 10.
  46. Spiegelmann S., Differentiation as the controlled production of unique enzymatic patterns, in growth in relation to differentiation and morphogenesis, Symposium number II of the Society for Experimental Biology (Ed. Danielli J. F., et al), pp. 286-325, Cambridge University Press, 1948, at. p. 286.
  47. Morgan Т. Н., The physical basis of heredity, Philadelphia, 1919, p. 241. (Русский перевод: Морган Т. Г., Структурные основы наследственности, М., 1924, стр. 233.)
  48. Kroeger H., Experiments on the extranuclear control of gene activity in Dipteran polytene chromosomes, J. Cell. Сотр. Physiol., Suppl. 1, 62 (1963), 15.
  49. Кallmann F. J., Heredity in health and mental disorder, W. W. Norton, New York, 1953.
  50. Raven Chr. P., Oogenesis: the storage of developmental information, Pergamon Press, London, 1961, pp. 6-7. (Русский перевод: Равен X., Оогенез. Накопление морфогенетической информации, "Мир", М" 1964, стр. 20-21.)
  51. Burks A. W., Computation, behaviour and structure in fixed and growing automata, Behavioural Science, 6 (1) (January, 1961), 5-22, at p. 5.
  52. Driesсh H. The Science and philosophy of the organism, Black, London, 1929.
  53. von Bertalanffy L., Problems of life: an evaluation of modern biological and scientific thought, Harper Torchbooks, New York, I960, pp. 17-18.
  54. См. [2], стр. 503.
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