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  1. Goldacre R. J., Morphogenesis and communication between cells, Actes du 2-е Congres International de Cybernetiques, 1960, pp. 910-923. This Congress was held at Namur, 3-10 September, 1958.
  2. Bean D., A musical electronic pattern generator, Actes (см. ссылку [1]), 1960, pp. 219-226.
  3. Goldacre R. J., Can a machine create a work of art? Actes (см. ссылку [1]), pp. 683-697.
  4. Goldacre R. J., Bean D., Electronic models in the study of cell interactions, Discovery, 20 (7) (1959), 277.
  5. Goldacre R. J., Bean D., A model for morphogenesis, Nature, 186 (23 April, 1960), 4721, 294-295.
  6. Goldacre R. J., Morphogenesis and communication between cells, Actes (см. ссылку [1]), p. 910.
  7. См. [6], p. 913.
  8. См. [6], p. 918.
  9. Ulam S. On some mathematical problems connected with patterns of growth of figures, in Mathematical Problems in the Biological Sciences! Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, vol. 14" ed. Bellman R. E., American Mathematical Society, 1962, pp. 215-224. (Русский перевод: Улам С, Некоторые математические проблемы, связанные с процессом роста фигур, в книге "Математические проблемы в биологии", "Мир", М., 1966, стр. 63-77.)
  10. См. [9], стр. 63-64.
  11. Turing A. M., The chemical basis of morphogenesis, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, В., 237 (1952), 37-72.
  12. Waddington С. Н., New Patterns in Genetics and Development, Columbia University Press, New York, 1962, pp. 128-129. (Русский перевод: Уоддингтон К. X., Морфогенез и генетика, "Мир", М., 1964, стр. 136.)
  13. The Artorga Research Group. Address: Artorga, Beaulieu, Brocken-hurst, Hampshire, England.
  14. Moore E. F., Machine models of self-reproduction. Paper presented 5 April 1961 at a Symposium on the Mathematical problems in the biological sciences, New York. (Русский перевод: Mур Э. Ф., Математические модели самовоспроизведения, в книге "Математические проблемы в биологии", "Мир", М., 1966, стр. 36-62.)
  15. von Neumann J., The general and logical theory of automata, in Cerebral mechanisms in behaviour, the Hixon Symposium (ed. Jeffress L. A.), John Wiley, New York, 1951. (Русский перевод: фон Нейман Дж., Общая и логическая теория автоматов, приложение к книге: Тьюринг А., Может ли машина мыслить? Физматгиз, М., 1960.)
  16. von Neumann J., Theory and organisation of complicated automata; mimeographed typescript of a series of five lectures delivered in December 1949, 82 pp.
  17. von Neumann J., The theory of automata: construction, reproduction and homogeneity; uncompleted typescript of three chapters for the University of Illinois Press (ca. 1952), 220 pp.
  18. Kemeny J. G., Man viewed as a machine, Scientific American, 192 (April 1955), 58-67.
  19. Вurks A. W., Computation, behaviour and structure in fixed and growing automata, Behavioural Science, 6 (1) (January 1961), 5-22.
  20. Myhill J., Possibilities of favourable mutation in self-reproducing automata. Notes for a series of lectures presented in June 1960 at the University of Michigan.
  21. Myhill J., Self-reproducing automata, unpublished paper (ca. 1959).
  22. Penrose L. S., Penrose R., A self-reproducing analogue, Nature (London), 179 (8 June 1957), 4571. 1183.
  23. Penrose L. S., Mechanics of self-reproduction, Annals of Human Genetics, 23, Part I (November 1958), 59-72.
  24. Penrose L. S., Automatic mechanical self-replication, 16 mm koda-chrome movie film, Hemel Hempstead, Herts., England, filmed and distributed by H. A Cresswell, 1958 (11 minutes).
  25. Penrose L. S., Self-reproducing machines, Scientific American, June 1959, reprint, p. 11.
  26. Penrose L. S., Automatic mechanical self-reproduction, New Biology, № 28, Penguin books, January 1959, pp. 92-117.
  27. Jасоbsоn H., On models of reproduction, Amer. Scientist, 46 (3) (September 1958), 255-284.
  28. Morowitz H. J., A model of reproduction, Amer. Scientist, 47 (2) (June 1959), 261-263.
  29. Burks A. W., Wang H., The logic of automata, J. Assoc. Computing Machinery, Part I, 4 (2) (April 1957), 200.
  30. Lewontin R. C., Dunn, Genetics, 45 (1960), 705-722.
  31. Fraser A. S., Simulation of genetic systems, J. Theoret, Biol, 2 (1962), 329-346. Даны также ссылки на предыдущие работы Фрезера.
  32. Crosby J. L., The use of electronic computation in the study of random fluctuations in rapidly evolving populations, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, B, 242 (17 March 1960), 551-573.
  33. Crosby J. L., Teaching genetics with an electronic computer, Heredity, 16 (3) (August 1961), 255-273.
  34. Crosby J. L., Evolution by computer, New Scientist, № 327, 21 February, 1963.
  35. Pask G., Physical analogues to the growth of a concept, in Proceedings of Symposium on the Mechanisation of thought processes, H. M. S. O., London, 1958.
  36. Pask G., The natural history of networks, in Self-organising Systems, proceedings of an interdisciplinary conference, 5 and 6 May 1969 (eds. Yovits Marshall С and Cameron Scott), Pergamon Press, New York, 1960, pp. 232-263. (Русский перевод: Паск Г., Естественная история цепей, в сборнике: "Самоорганизующиеся системы", "Мир", М., 1964, стр. 318-357.)
  37. Рask G., An approach to cybernetics, Hutchinson, London, 1961.
  38. Chapman B. L. M., The logical organisation of a nervous system, Ph. D. thesis, University of Bristol, 1961.
  39. Chapman B. L M., A self-organising classification system, Cybernetics, 2 (3) (1959), 152-161.
  40. См. [37], стр. 108.
  41. Rose S. M., Cellular interaction during differentiation, Q. Rev. Biol., 32, (4) (1957), 351-377.
  42. См. [37], стр. 104.
  43. Pringle J. W. S., On the parallel between learning and evolution, Behaviour, 3 (1951), 174-215.
  44. Weiss P., Knowledge: a growth process, Science, 131 (1960), 1716-1719.
  45. Campion G. C, Smith E., The neural basis of thought, Kegan Paul, London, 1934.
  46. Walshe F. M. R., Critical studies on neurology, E. and S. Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1948, pp. 245-251.
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