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  1. Dancoff S. M, Quastler H., The information content and error rate of living things, in Information Theory in Biology (Ed. Quastler H.), University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1953, pp. 263-273.
  2. Raven Chr. P., Oogenesis: the storage of developmental information, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1961. (Русский перевод: Равен X., Оогенез. Накопление морфогенетической информации, "Мир", М., 1964.)
  3. Еlsassеr W. M., The physical foundation of biology, Pergamon Press, London, 1958.
  4. См. [1], стр. 263.
  5. См. [1], стр. 270.
  6. Ashby W. Ross, An introduction to cybernetics, Chapman and Hall, London, 1956, p. 253, 13/11 (Русский перевод: Эшби У. Росс, Введение в кибернетику, ИЛ, М., 1959, стр. 358, 13/11.)
  7. См. [2], стр. 256.
  8. См. [3], стр. 89.
  9. Schrödinger E., What is life? Cambridge University Press, 1944, pp. 61-62. (Русский перевод: Шрёдингер Э., Что такое жизнь с точки зрения физики? М., 1947, стр. 89.)
  10. von Föerster H., On self-organising systems and their environments, in self-organising systems, Proceedings of an interdisciplinary conference, 5 and 6 May, 1959 (ed. Yovits Marschall C, Cameron Scott), Pergamon Press, New York, 1960, pp. 31-50. (Русский перевод: Фёрстер Г., О самоорганизующихся системах и их окружении, в сборнике "Самоорганизующиеся системы", "Мир", М., 1964, стр. 113-139.)
  11. См. [3], стр. 19.
  12. Waddingtоn С. Н., Cell architecture and information in cellular differentiation, in the cell and the organism: Essays presented to Sir James Gray (ed. Ramsay J. A. and Wigglesworth V. В.), Cambridge University Press, 1961, pp. 117-126.
  13. Eden M., A probabilistic model for morphogenesis, in Symposium on Information Theory in Biology, 1956 (ed. Jokey Hubert P., Platzman Robert L. and Quastler H.), Pergamon Press, London, 1958, pp. 359-370.
  14. Gustafsоn Т., Wоlpert L., The forces that shape the embryo, Discovery, November 1961.
  15. Weiss P., The principles of development, Holt, New York, 1939.
  16. Needham J. A., History of embryology, Cambridge University Press, 1934. (Русский перевод: Нидхэм Дж., История эмбриологии, М., 1947.)
  17. George F. H., Handlon J. H., A language for perceptual analysis, Psychological Review, 64 (1) (1957), 14-25.
  18. Quastler H., A measure of specificity, in Information Theory in Biology (Ed. Quastler H.), University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1953, pp. 41-71.
  19. Quastler H., The specificity of elementary biological functions, in Infoimation Theory in Biology (ed. Quastler H.), University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1953, pp. 170-188.
  20. Gamоw G., Yeas M., The cryptograpic approach to the problem of protein synthesis, in Symposium on Information Theory in Biology, 1956 (ed. Yockey Hubert P., Platzman Robert L. and Quastler H.), Pergamon Press, London, 1958, pp. 63-69.
  21. Gatlin L. L., Triplet frequencies in DNA and the genetic program, J. Theoret. Biol, 5 (3) (November 1963), 360-371.
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